Einzigartige künstlerische Atmosphäre
Besuchen Sie dieses einzigartige Café, das in seinen phantasievoll eingerichteten Räumen, auf einer grünen Terrasse, in einem farbenfrohen Innenhof und bei Musik im Keller eine einzigartige künstlerische Atmosphäre bietet.
Our many travelling experiences have led us to the decision to make the world come to us. In Ptuj, the oldest city in Slovenia, we have refurbished a house and filled it with various contents. We have channeled our experiences in scenography, costume design and music into the look and soul of this house from 1618. We have named it MuziKafe – Home of CULTure.
It has a coffee shop, we hold cultural events, and we also offer bed and breakfast. It’s a meeting place of creative people and our family nest.
T: +386 (0)2 787 88 60
E: muzikafeptuj@gmail.com
Vrazov trg 1
2250 Ptuj
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